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what is the best way to learn an Algorithm?

the best way to learn an algorithm is to visualize it.

This helps us to remember it for a longer time.
Some of the best Algorithm Visualizers:
The best way to understand complex data structures is to see them in action. We've developed interactive animations for a variety of data structures and algorithms. Our visualization tool is written in javascript using the HTML5 canvas element, and run in just about any modern browser -- including iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, and even the web browser in the Kindle! (The frame rate is low enough in the Kindle that the visualizations aren't terribly useful, but the tree-based visualizations -- BSTs and AVL Trees -- seem to work well enough)
It covers all the algorithms from Sorting to Traveling Salesman. VisuAlgo loads fast for first time visitors, but it loads 'almost instantly' for returning visitors as we cache lots of static content of VisuAlgo :) (please do not use incognito or private browsing mode to keep the cache). Moreover, if you have registered a VisuAlgo account, we will load VisuAlgo according to your preferences after you login.
Algorithm Visualizer Algorithm Visualizer is an interactive online platform that visualizes algorithms from code.
Learning algorithms from text and static images is quite boring. There have been many great websites that view animations of various algorithms though, for us being coders, nothing can be more comprehensible than visualizing the actual working code.
Learn Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby Python Tutor, created by Philip Guo (@pgbovine), helps people overcome a fundamental barrier to learning programming: understanding what happens as the computer runs each line of code.
Write code in your web browser, see it visualized step by step, and get live help from volunteers.
Related services: Java TutorC TutorC++ TutorJavaScript Tutor, Ruby Tutor
So far, over 3.5 million people in over 180 countries have used Python Tutor to visualize over 50 million pieces of code, often as a supplement to textbooks, lectures, and online tutorials.
In this you can paste your own code and visualize it. It supports 6 programming languages.

Additional Resources: Teach Yourself CS

All these tools helps in improving your Coding Skills along with Building Strong Concepts.It also helps in Competitive Programming too.
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